Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday Pastiche

Fewer and fewer gardenias now --- they're getting scorched in the heat.

Speaking of which --- over  100 degrees here the next several days, and Briton has no air conditioning in his apartment, and the upstairs unit here has stopped blowing cold air.  Doubt there's any chance of getting a technician out here tomorrow --- I would imagine they're slammed right now.  Hannah may have to move herself downstairs for a while.

Last Friday, she and I went to The Mall of Georgia, and I bought myself something I've been wanting for years --- cowboy rainboots.  Found them on deep clearance at Charming Charlie.  So blasted happy with them!

The picture of me knitting in public was taken at MoG, as I rested while Hannah shopped and shopped. I've finished the Wingspan since:

Love, love this pattern!


Anonymous said...

Yes! I'm on my second Wingspan too!

I miss few things about living in Virginia, but one of the things I DO miss is the ubiquity of central area. I am, as you know, a delicate flower, and the window units here just don't cut it.

Kim in Oregon said...

I'm just v. impressed by your use of the word pastiche. And your wingspan too.

Carrie K said...

I'm impressed by the rainbow cowboy boots. SCORE!!

A/C, I don't know how we lived before we put it in, maybe ten years or so ago. It gets hot here, but it really is a dry heat and normally cools off at night. Otherwise? fuhgeddiboutit.

kathy b said...

That Shawl

Anonymous said...

Wow. I love that wingspan piece also. But I'm really coveting those boots. I hadn't seen the cowboy style before. i couldn't tell from the picture if they had heels. Way cool

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...