Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Playing Hurt

Periodically, our dogs will get into snarling tussles over a treat or a piece of food.  Pulling them apart is only a matter of grabbing a collar or two.

But the other afternoon, a fight broke out over, as far as I could tell, nothing.  So, I had to get in there and separate them.  In the melee, I got a serious bite.  From Rupert, I think.  And it hurts like a mother.

It's swollen and interestingly colored and makes knitting very uncomfortably and short-lived.



Kim in Oregon said...

It is a challenge to do this alone, but pulling them away by the back legs works great and keeps said fingers out of chomping range.

Ask me how I know.

kathy b said...

ouch ouch ouch I so hope you are on antibiotics right???

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