Sunday, March 18, 2012


I am in Folly Beach, SC.  The pier you see on the right above is the same one that was on the left of the photo in the last entry.  As you may be able to tell, it is a cloudy, gray, rainy day, but that didn't keep me from taking a walk on the sand already.  Found several lovely shells and 2 feathers.  Feathers are practically sacred to me, so to find them my first day here, I take as a sign that I should be here after all.  That and the fact that my room number is a series of my lucky numbers.

The drive wasn't too bad.  About 5 hours.  The GPS directions diverged from my written Mapquest ones quite noticeably;  I don't know which would have been faster or easier, or which I'll use going back.

The hotel and the strip leading up to it are awash with people.  AWASH.  Who knew Folly Beach was a Spring Break destination?  I suppose anything ending in "Beach" qualifies.  Though I don't want to deprive myself of any local color, or fresh seafood, I don't know how far away from the hotel grounds I'll actually wander.  Really, as I said before, the most I want is to hear the water (the patio door is wide open as I type), sleep, walk in the sand, knit and read.

Finished Stephen Fry's book Friday (fitting.)  It is absolutely glorious.  If you aren't a fan of Stephen's, I'm not sure how you'll feel about it, but I could not put it down for long.  It is dedicated to Hugh Laurie, and much of it reads like a love letter to him.  Very sweet.

I brought two "G" books with me: Sanjay Gupta's Monday Mornings , which I mentioned a few days back, and Terry Gross' All I Did Was Ask, which was my original choice for my "G" author.  I rather think I can make time for both.


kathy b said...

Just thinking of the sounds of water out your door is magical. Enjoy all the moments!

Kim in Oregon said...

Well, we planned that really badly, didn't we? I was at a conference in Myrtle Beach til today. Geez, bad twin telepathy on that. :-( Plus my laptop got stolen in the Atlanta Airport. Enjoy your beach break!

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