Friday, March 16, 2012


Even though I bought myself a GPS system (on deep clearance) the other day, I just got through handwriting the directions to my beach getaway.  Looks like about 5 hours, which is about the same as a drive to Nashville.  I'm packed as far as clothes go, leaving only the last minute toiletries, knitting and books.  I'll leave sometime Sunday morning, come back the following Thursday.  I'm ill at ease making a drive by myself to a place I've never been, but I am very much looking forward to feeling sand between my toes, sleeping late, watching the water and just chilling.

Made a sock while watching the Vandy basketball game yesterday.  Cast on the second one a little while ago.  I'm using Deborah Norville sock yarn again, and, again, it looks like I'll be able to get both socks out of one skein.  I'm becoming a true fan of this yarn --- its hand, its durability, its money-saving-ness.  I think I'll take a couple of skeins with me, once I find a pattern or two that I can use them for.  And I'm also taking a jacket pattern to be made from wedgwood blue.  Those, and the two books I'll pack should keep me busy enough.

Briton has just gotten back from a 3-day camping trip with his girlfriend and several others.  Save for a stormy night last night, they had good weather and good fun.

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