Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Last (Full) Day

It would be hard to overstate what these four days here have meant to my mental health.  I cannot remember the last time I was this relaxed, unharried, dare I say it, happy.  I've walked and walked and thought and prayed and meditated and just been still and listened to the water.

The realization that tomorrow I have to go back to Athens starts a churning in my stomach, and all my pills immediately imprint on my brain.  While here, I've had to force myself to take them.  I'm recording little slivers of videos to have when I get back, so that, 30 or so seconds at a time, I can be back here again.

What I may need, this experience tells me, is to travel.  With what money Mama left me, I can take the occasional little outing.  And, honestly, into the marrow of my spine, I am certain I ought to buy myself a house on a beach.

Some of what I've done here, I'll do when I'm back in Athens.  I've knit
a lot.  I've read a lot.  But I've also gotten out at least twice each day and walked the town.  Went into funky little shops, found the most literal of out-of-the-way-places to eat.  As I leave tomorrow, I'm going into Charleston to visit a yarn store.  It's all the same, but so, so very different and so, so, so very healing.

Only things I'd change?  Well, first, check with my Twinnie and see if she's going to be anywhere near (we missed each other by that much), and second, buy myself a kite.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Oh a kITE!!! wonderful idea.. That is something you can do at home and look forward to. Stay well stay working on it. Reentry is a bitch we always say on our first day back to work after vakay!

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