Sunday, January 19, 2025



We may be getting snow again!  Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.  Tonight, there's a hard freeze warning, and we've been advised to take actions so that our water pipes don't freeze.

Now, when I was growing up, those actions were basically leave water running so that ice doesn't build up.  Then it seems like that fell out of favor.  Today, we're being told to let the water drip.  Which I shall.

I've been alternating between knitting and cross-stitching all weekend, which means a little bit of progress has been made on a lot of things.  The Blind Draw Scarf shows it the most, though I'm most satisfied with some of the cross-stitch.  We'll see come Tuesday.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

They have styrofoam cups you can put over your outdoor faucets. Also, you can go out and wrap towels and secure them with twine or big rubber bands around the outdoor faucets. This latter was quite popular when we lived in Tennessee. Stay warm!

You're in Time Out

The cross-stitch piece I showed you Tuesday was to have ended up like this: However, it is now in a steep and indeterminate time out.  I los...