Saturday, December 21, 2024

The Wrapping

I enjoy wrapping presents.  All those years at the jewelry store didn't sour me on it.  (Though customers who were super-picky about the ribbon being perfectly centered on the box or something else ridiculous did hit the occasional nerve.)  The best part, by far, --- and we've discussed this here before --- is zsushing the scissors through the wrapping paper.  You can't even get mad if you cut the paper the wrong size.  You get to zsush again!

I'm thinking of wrapping because this is my Advent piece today:

I'm unhappy with the "24" in yellow --- that will probably be changed.  The little gift, though, is cute as can be.  I still like this yellow very, very much.  (It's DMC 444, if you're curious.)

The first Christmas cracker was opened this morning.  This pattern is so lovely, don't you think?  I suspect Twinnie sees it as collage fodder.

Inside, a green paper crown (there's always a paper crown) and this tiny deck of tiny playing cards:

I can play tiny games of Solitaire!

One word: Tap was crazy unhappy with me wearing the paper crown.  There shan't be, therefore, any photos of me in the crowns.  There will be reports on their colors, though.


Kim in Oregon said...

OK have we talked about the wrapping paper twinness? I worked at a customer service desk at Marshall Field's in Evanston during college and part of my job was gift wrapping. I'm quite the pro.

Araignee said...

What a cute little box! I admire those that can wrap. I cannot. I leave it all to The Mister but I do like the zushing of the scissors. As a teacher I had to do hundreds of bulletin boards and covering them with paper was a chore...except for that magic scissor thing. I had the best pair of scissors for it too. They had a place of honor in my desk.

Delighted Hands said...

Good job on the stitching! The crown wearing is funny--our fur babies do notice more than we think!

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...