Friday, December 6, 2024

Except. . .

. . .neither my twin nor I have kitchen islands.  We have kitchen peninsulas.  Because The Twinness is real.

. . .that I got to wear a pair of boots today!

Cellulitis kept them away from me.  I was ridiculously thrilled to click around on hard floors.

. . .Hannah is notorious for wanting Christmas gifts that have to be ordered.  Time is running short, girl.

 . . .there may not be another cross-stitch subject cuter than this guy:

The reindeer the other day was adorable.  We may have a mini(!) line-up and see if The Cutest can be decided.


Araignee said...

That snowman is adorable. So much done with so few stitches. Hooray for getting in the boots! I confess to having had nothing on my feet except Crocs for years. I only put on real shoes for funerals.

Delighted Hands said...

I like the mini accomplishments of the these projects! I looked at a pair of boots the other day in the store....and remembered!

Kim in Oregon said...

So very cute.

'Tis the Season

 For TNT and stitching trees. (Sorry for the hoop marks.)