Re-faring on Thursday

I don't know why, exactly, I dislike meringue and marshmallows.  A texture thing, maybe?  My mother made a delicious chocolate pie, which she would top with beautiful meringue that I would slice right off of my piece(s).  Sweet potato casserole is a favorite of mine, but if it is topped with marshmallows, I spend a good amount of time pulling them off before I eat.  (Pro tip: crushed pecans make an exquisite topping.)

Radishes make me burp.  Turnips have a disagreeable taste.  (But I will eat turnip greens for a good part of any day.)  Same with cucumbers: they just don't taste good to me.

I forgot celery yesterday.  I detest celery.  The strings. . .  The flavor. . .  I will also pick celery out of dishes.  Anyway, I will eat a plate of cucumber slices before a single stalk of celery.

(Notice I am not posting a photo of celery....)

Twinnie asked about all this.  We are Yin and Yang on the food preferences here, so between us we can make just about any host or hostess happy.


Delighted Hands said…
That is very particular and intense!!! lol
Kim in Oregon said…
OK I get marshmallows--although one word: S'MORES.
Araignee said…
The Mister has a thing about mayonnaise and I could eat a plain mayonnaise sandwich. I've even been known to put it on jello. It's how my grandmother always served her orange pineapple jello salad.

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