And Then I Find Myself at Tuesday

 It is 4:18 AM.  I cannot sleep.  So, here's my Tiny Needle contribution.

When all else fails, turn to Christmas, right?

You can't tell it in that photo, but there are beads on the tree.

This is my first time adding beads to a piece.  I'm still not entirely sure whether I'm a fan of the process, but I do appreciate the result.

The kit was for a Christmas card, but my plan is to use the front of the card as a mat and frame this.

It's a tidy 5x7, so finding a frame shouldn't be a chore.

Still working on why Viggo showed up in a dream.  Generally, my dreams feature people or places or things I've been involved with, or thought about, or seen on a given day.  This was completely out of the blue.  Not that it was a bad thing, just unexpected. 


Delighted Hands said…
Those 'once in a while' sleepness nights are still a bother! Hope you get through today ok! The beads look great in the stitching!!!
Dee said…
That is very cute. Perfect that you can use a standard frame.
Kim in Oregon said…
Love the finish! Love the brick stuff. I never have understood why someone spends all that time doing a cross stitch as a card and then send it to someone who might take a look at it and throw it away (or like me, cut it up for collages). I love the idea of framing it.
Araignee said…
Congrats on the finish! It's lovely. I love those beads. I have some Christmas projects that I had to bead and it is tedious work but so worth it.
kmkat said…
Perhaps Viggo was dreaming of you?

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