Tuesday, January 2, 2024


Two finished cross-stiches to show you.  You've seen them before, but in different states.  Please ignore the non-ironed-ness of them.

Peeking up from the lower left corner is what I'm working on right now.  That's all I'll show you, because the person for whom it is destined might read the blog.

It shouldn't have surprised me that Briton taking up cross-stitch would get me back into it.  I am leaning toward fairly simple patterns, though.

Briton sent me this photo this afternoon:
This is the little one I knit all those bibs for a while back.  Briton pointed out to me that he looks like Dave Bautista, and now I cannot unsee that.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Love the cross stitchery! Well done!

Same Question, Different Day

Okay, I know I didn't order this. There was no information on the packing slips, so . . . Thank you.  Whomever you are.