Thursday, December 14, 2023

Sympathy Play

Yes, I am sick.  I've got my comfort TV on: true crime.  The murders are just going on in the background while I sneeze and blow my nose and play Word Wars and knit.  There are also commercials that seem to be on an infinite loop.  If I hear the Delectables  ad one more time. . .

Oh, and the moisturizer that's good for people from 2 weeks to 100 years old?  Sorry, folks who are 101, your skin will have to give itself over to decay.

Back to the oral surgeon today for what I thought was my last check-in.  Nope.  At least two more with him.  Maybe I have the crown by Easter?  Practically a full year of this madness.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

So sorry, feel better soon.I guess you need to get measured for the tooth, and then the tooth needs to be placed (my regular dentist did all this, not my oral surgeon, but ymmv). Snuggle down with furry things and have a restful day.

The Work

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