What I Did Not Say

Thank you for your good wishes for Briton.  He's rather extraordinary.  I get as mad, super-aggravated and super-exasperated with him (and his sister) as any parent does with a child, but he's a gem. 

The first (and deleted) draft of my "I Fell Putting up the Blinds" story told it in full: I actually fell three times.  After the first tumble, I got right back up (too many years of the "get right back on the horse" credo).  The third fall was from sheer hubris.  ANYway, my landing point in the back is really, really painful.  As in, walking with a cane to alleviate the misery.  Thank goodness Daddy collected walking sticks --- I have so many from which to choose!

And, no, I'm not using the "House" flames cane.  Silly Hugh Laurie signed on the curve, and I don't want to wear the ink off.

During my visit to the oral surgeon, I was given the prescriptions for the antibiotic, the 800 mg (speaking of horses) ibuprofen, and the hydrocodone.  I've taken one of the painkillers today.  The doctor --- and his assistant --- said that placing the abutment is usually easier than the original extraction.  I didn't really need much hydrocodone after that, so I'm taking the chance that I won't miss one pill this time.  Besides, Tap is utterly freaked out by my using a cane.


Kim in Oregon said…
Sounds like a good use of the pain meds!
kmkat said…
I covet your House cane.

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