Sunday, July 23, 2023

New Sources

Not "news sources," you understand.  I've none of those.

I do, though, have a new collaging source.  It's Stamperia, which I've been accessing mostly through Amazon.  Now, a funny thing about Amazon is that, depending on the search term(s) you use, you'll get rather vastly different results.  I, in my inexperience, was searching for "collage supplies." Turns out, changing that search to supplies for "scrapbooking" or "journaling" or "decoupaging" brings all kinds of new things.  And yes, I know that I'm feeding the long-since bloated Amazon monster, but as often as I can, I shop etsy or manufacturer's websites or any other alternative that comes to mind.

Anyway, Stamperia makes very pretty things, wouldn't you agree?

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

I COMPLETELY ADORE STAMPERIA and they make lots of ephemera (die cuts) too.

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