Tuesday, June 13, 2023


There's still not much week-to-week progress on my cross-stitch.

But there's another horse jaw, so there is that.

(In the jaw category, " Moose Jaw" is on of my favorite place names.)

One of the reasons cross-stitching progress has been so scant is that I was reading this

I've never seen a Lincoln book like this.  The text is press accounts of his political career.  Just fascinating.

I'm also reading a book about the Donner Party.  And, you might not believe it from me, but queued up next is a novel.  You read that right: a novel.  Who saw that coming, huh?


Kim in Oregon said...

My first thought was "who is Braham Lincoln?"
Which Donner party book are you reading?

kmkat said...

I read "Indifferent Stars Above: Harrowing Saga of a Donner Party Bride" by Daniel James Brown (yes, I keep an Xcel spreadsheet of all the books I have read since 2002. Doesn't everyone?) Those Donner folks had it tough.

What Is Left

The only snow still here is in spots the sun hasn't been hitting.  Like, the storm drain cover at the foot of the driveway, and the one ...