Saturday, April 29, 2023

Dude, Where's My Car?

 The new car has proven a little difficult to get used to in one regard: finding it in a parking lot.  If it's parked by an easily remembered or seen landmark, not an issue, but that isn't always possible.  The first time I went somewhere after sundown, I had one of those moments of just stopping in the parking lot and looking around like a dope.  Then I remembered that the opening-the-door chime worked.  (It had long since not worked on the Highlander.)  One little button push, a couple of little chirps, and there it was.

Okay, not there exactly --- the lot at Target isn't that arty or clean.  But that's the car.  Still unnamed, btw.

Tomorrow is Twinnie's birthday.  If you're wondering how we can be twins with her birthday being in April and mine in February, you've entirely missed the backstory.  But don't let that stop you from wishing her a happy day.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

If you didn't mind annoying everyone within a 1 mile radius, you could have pushed the panic/alarm button on your key fob. If you didn't mind annoying everyone.


Still raining.  Still headache-y.  You know the drill. I'm finding myself kind of bored with my current craft projects.  This leads, as ...