Monday, November 14, 2022

Hi There

 Well, I can't say I disagree.

My favorite thing --- okay, my second favorite thing --- is the "Oh Hello" over the "c."

I've probably said this before, but I always taught out of this issue when it came out each year.  Gender roles, marketing, other cultural stuff.  Frankly, I could turn just about anything fun into a teaching point.  I did show episodes of "House" and "Mystery Science Theater 3000," after all.  It was as much for my entertainment --- and a break from lectures --- as my students'.

I'm making a scarf as a holiday gift. If there's time and I'm inspired, there will be a hat and maybe even mittens to go with it.  I began feeling a little Christmas-y last week, for whatever reason.  This was actually cast on for another pattern first, and I realized in short order that I was going to be bored enough with it to never work on it.  This one is a tad boring, but I'm staying with it so far.


Kim in Oregon said...

I hate to say that I don't even know who this is.

kmkat said...

I want a time machine so I can be in your classes. What did you teach?


I was so caught up in my Bogart adventure that I forgot to talk about the other Big Thing from yesterday.  The final trip to the oral surgeo...