Saturday, September 3, 2022


That would be the sound of the vault door closing on nominations for Knitters' Companion this year.  My goal is to have voting start on Tuesday.  I'll most likely spend part of tomorrow making the draw.

I spent a lot of today watching the Taylor Hawkins Tribute Concert, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Right now, I'm watching the Vanderbilt football game;  it's been a screen-type day here at The Chez.  It was Opening Day for UGA today, but, thankfully, the game was in Atlanta, and I'll say no more about that in deference to my Twinnie.

Speaking of, go by her blog to see her tour of her new patio.  Her calm, soothing voice makes it an all-around wonderful experience.

Speaking of Vanderbilt, the current starting quarterback is named Mike Wright.  There was another quarterback named Mike Wright back in the mid-70s --- he grew up around the corner from me.  His sister (Melody) was a friend of mine in elementary school.  Yes, ancient history, I know, but it's still cool to me.

For all the screen time today, not a lot of knitting got done.  I'm still sewing quilt squares together, but there really isn't much to show yet.  I'm unlikely to get much done during KC, as the contest tends to chew up my days.

Finding pictures is hard, y'all.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your consideration, but it was pretty clear that one team was in a bit better shape than the other.

Twinnie said...

Anonymous is me, btw.

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...