Sunday, August 7, 2022

"What Day Is It?" Check

So, I was asleep by 7:30 last night, which meant I was up at 3 AM making haystack cookies

and taking more ibuprofen PM.

Therefore, I got up "for good" at 2:20 this afternoon.  If any of you have had a really bad headache, you know what a rebound headache is.  That's the discomfort I've dealt with today.  That and the kind of disorientation you feel when you're completely out of sync with the clock.

I am getting sort of close to the end of my Trap Shawl.  That's the main knitting I've been doing lately, as it's easy to make good progress on.  I have got to move on to something more substantial, more challenging, but I've got a while to think on exactly what.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

Seeing this post two days late and I hope that the headache is gone. I've had sympathy headaches this week as well.

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...