Monday, August 22, 2022

They Vex Me

I've been pondering these yarns all weekend.  I bought them together, on clearance at Jo-Ann, and it was surely because I imagined using them as stripes or something.  As you can see, I've tried things a couple of times, but nothing has stuck.  And I'm vexed.

My eye is still irritated and irritating.  It looks a bit red and swollen, but that may be from people looking at it last night.  Or it may be the onset of some sort of infection.  The doctor said that was a possibility, so the antibiotics are both treatment for now and prevention of anything yet to come.


Kim in Oregon said...

Since I'm a doctor and all, have you taken a covid test? Someone mentioned to me that eye infections can be associated with Covid. Regarding yarn: what about a musselburgh or using the blue for a brim and the other for the main part of a hat?

Bridget said...

I was thinking of a two-tone Musselburgh as well! (Granted, it's probably because I just started one.)

I hope your eye will start to improve. As my mother used to say, it's either an a** or an elbow ...


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