Wednesday, August 24, 2022

It's Only Words

 Wait, wait, wait.  The Latin word for ant is "formica"?  Makes you rethink your countertops, doesn't it?

I say it again, ants can't lie.

A refrigerator, it would seem, frigerates things again.

"What the caterpillar sees as the end, the world sees as a butterfly."

The verb "duck" preceded the noun "duck"?  Doesn't seem right, but that's apparently how it happened.

Isn't "shotgun" redundant?  Don't all guns shoot?  It's like calling it a "hithammer."

Think about this: since amoebas reproduce by asexual division, the original amoeba still exists today.

I have to think that whoever invented the suit did so after having a vision of Colin Firth, Who Was To Come.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Okay, it's me again, Miss Know-It-All. The ammunition used in a shotgun, rather than a bullet, is shot (little spheres of lead, sometimes steel) encased in a paper or plastic tube. That's why it is called a shotgun. Which raises the question, why is a rifle not called a bulletgun?


 I came across a sentence reading today that said, "Shakespeare made Hamlet say..." That struck me. Writers make characters say th...