Thursday, June 2, 2022

Photo Day

Tap's new thing is to ask to go outside, but "only" to sit in my lap on the porch while I read.  Yes, he has become a worldwatcher.  Pardon his scraggliness.*


The cats are spending most of their days on the back porch.  They usually occupy the chairs, but Maddie has been favoring their tower of late:

Riley is frustratingly difficult to photograph, but I got this one today, and I LOVE it.

It's how sweet she is and how small she is and how very pretty she is.

*It's one of his particular charms.


Kim in Oregon said...

Such great cat photos! And Tap is quite wooly!

kmkat said...

Furry Friday! Great photos!

More Than Enough

So, you're watching something online, and it breaks for commercial, and next to the little countdown clock is the message "Send to ...