Monday, May 30, 2022


This is my remember-when-I-smashed-my-finger-with-a-jar-of-jelly finger today:

I never thought about damage to my nail, but there's that odd discoloration at the top.  What looks like a white line in the sort of middle is actually a dent.  Who knew?

One day when I was little, I had a metal swing set that looked something like this:

Mine, though, had two swings instead of a swing and whatever that disk thing is.  ANYway, one day I was standing on the crossbar next to the seesaw, pushing the seesaw back and forth by holding it at the top.  There was a big bolt, hinge thing fastening it to the top bar, and my left middle finger got caught up in there.  Long story and lots of yelling and a mad dash into the house later, the nail on that finger came off.  Weird, but I only remember it happening.  I don't remember it being tended to or how it healed --- only that really bad pinch.


Anonymous said...

Poor finger!

Kim in Oregon said...

The things we remember!


"T N" today means Twinnie News.    It's  her  birthday!  If you know her, you know she deserves all  the good wishes, so head ...