Monday, May 30, 2022


This is my remember-when-I-smashed-my-finger-with-a-jar-of-jelly finger today:

I never thought about damage to my nail, but there's that odd discoloration at the top.  What looks like a white line in the sort of middle is actually a dent.  Who knew?

One day when I was little, I had a metal swing set that looked something like this:

Mine, though, had two swings instead of a swing and whatever that disk thing is.  ANYway, one day I was standing on the crossbar next to the seesaw, pushing the seesaw back and forth by holding it at the top.  There was a big bolt, hinge thing fastening it to the top bar, and my left middle finger got caught up in there.  Long story and lots of yelling and a mad dash into the house later, the nail on that finger came off.  Weird, but I only remember it happening.  I don't remember it being tended to or how it healed --- only that really bad pinch.


Anonymous said...

Poor finger!

Kim in Oregon said...

The things we remember!

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.