Wednesday, March 9, 2022

I've Seen the Jelly and the Damage Done

Turns out that trying to catch that two-pound jar of grape jelly as it falls out of the refrigerator can pin your finger between it and the refrigerator door.  

Then, the swelling, bruising, and pain can make you think you need to have it looked at.  The pain is a kind you've never had before.  To the ER!  (Hoping the same people from my foot wouldn't be on call.)

First, though, you honestly stand around at home and think for a few minutes about which boots to put on.

(Hey, I was waiting to be seen here.  Lots of time for photos.)

Seeing "62" on your registration bracelet jolts you.  (YUKK.)

The finger's not broken, "just" deeply bruised,  Bone bruised, actually.  You're told to keep it iced for a couple of days, then alternate ice with heat.  Therefore, you go to Andy's when you're released.

Because this counts as keeping it cold.


Kim in Oregon said...

Oh no! We share the same accident-prone gene. I hope it stops hurting soon.

Bridget said...

Yikes! I'm glad at least you got frozen custard out of it.

Crafty in the Med said...

Ouch! that looks nasty! Ha! yes I'd say that counts! Jeez! I just love those boots which I could never possibly wear but can admire from a distance :-) Take care. Amanda x