Monday, August 16, 2021


I only just last night made the final decision on my Knitters' Companion nominees.  How are all of you coming along?  You don't have to nominate six, that's just the limit.  And don't worry about duplicate nominees;  that's how seeds are established.  Also, I've learned that someone is going to toss in a name that you facepalm over.  "Why didn't I think of that?"  But, hey, it's cool --- they are in the contest, after all.



Kim in Oregon said...

I have six. Not sure it is the final six. But it is six.

Deb said...

I have six. It may change, but maybe not.

Today We Enjoy...

...Christmas Eve!  My favorite day/night of the year.  Everything slows down, the world goes quiet, and we can follow Santa around the world...