Thursday, May 27, 2021

But Of Course

 Man, it is hot here.  Tap-and-I-aren't-even-going-on-walks hot.  So, naturally, I'm knitting hats.

Last year, I gave scarves to all the people who help me with my curbside pick-ups at Kroger.  Even dipping into my etsy stock, though, I came up short and had to do some really quick knitting to catch up.  I figured I'd give them hats this year, and to avoid a repeat of The Hurrying, I'm starting now.

I'm also thinking of getting into a sock mood, so I searched for some two-needle patterns online.  One I found goes with a very, very interesting shape:

I may have to go with these just to see how it all works.  It's a Russian site, but, thankfully, has directions in English.

I've seen some good movies lately.  "Our Little Sister" is a beautiful, detailed story.   "The Red Turtle" has no dialogue, but sweeping and heart-wrenching animation.  The Pink documentary "All I Know So Far" is truly interesting, and features a little scene of her knitting a purple blanket for her daughter.   I'm in the middle of "Red Beard", a 3+ hour Kurosawa film.  The best movie I've seen lately, though, and honestly one of the best movies I've seen in a long time is "In and Of Itself."  I want everyone to watch it, but I can't tell you anything about it, which is SO frustrating.  It's emotional and funny and deep and has magic and if you want to give it a chance, don't look up anything about it.  Go in blank. There's nothing to be leary of, but you'll probably want some tissues or handkerchiefs at hand.


Lora said...

That sock pattern looks so interesting. I look forward to hearing how it works out.

Crafty in the Med said...

Hello KSD. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I have replied to your comment :-) Lovely snazzy coloured socks and they look lovely and warm too. My passion is crochet and although my mother tried to teach me to knit I am useless at it! I have seen "Red Beard" quite a few years ago but it certainly is a fabulous film and as always ToshirĂ´ Mifune was incredible in this film too. keep well Amanda x Crafty in the Med

kathy b said...

I love the look of those slipper socks! Very cool construction.
I'll look into the Red Turtle

Mereknits said...

I really love that shape and the pattern looks very doable. Good luck.

Kim is Frustrated

My regular lawn guy usually starts service in April.  For a reason he explained to me quite poorly, he wasn't going to start until "...