Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Do: Read On

I have an astrology app on my phone that provides daily lists of "Dos" and "Don'ts."  Usually, they're sort of esoteric things, like "Do: Brick-oven pizza," or "Don't:  Analog watches."  Today, one of the "Dos" was fairly specific for me --- "Do: Cable knitting."  Now, it may have been that this was the day I would finish my twisted cowl anyway, but here's what I did finish today:

Not truly cabled, but cabled in look.

The "Homebody Sweater But Without 'Homebody'" sweater has been put into deep time-out.  I got lost on the front shaping and couldn't deal with making sense of it, so deep-sixed it.  You may or may not ever see it again.


Kim in Oregon said...

The cable that isn't a cable is wonderful. And why the analog watch hate from your app?

kathy b said...

Oh oh oh I LOVE it. Love the color.. The stitch definition! You will wear it out! it will look great with your hair!

Lorette said...

Pretty! Here’s a thought on the sweater shaping. Draw out a big sweater piece schematic, it doesn’t have to be to scale or accurate. Then write your shaping instructions where you need to do them, such as “bind off x stitches on each side y times”. That visual really helps me.

Meredith said...

Very pretty!

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...