Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A Couple of Things

A couple of things.  What's all this couple things stuff lately?

Every other Wednesday is Misfits Market day here.  Today, I got a very pretty little cabbage.

Now, it took me a few seconds, but I noticed something unusual here.  Can you make it out?  There at the bottom:

It may not be a cabbage at all.  It may be the top of a Brussels sprouts plant.  We grew some Brussels sprouts in my mother's garden one year, but only one.  She did not like how the plants look;  she said they gave her shudders.

Speaking of Mama, I came across this the other day:
Two things here.  First, I remember this lace very well.  I don't know how many times she knit some and trimmed pillowcases and/or sheets for gifts.  Second, look at that writing.  I wish cursive were still taught.



kathy b said...

Finding something my mom wrote makes me so happy. And I love brussel sprouts

Meredith said...

That note was a little gift to you from your mom. So wonderful to find it. Stay safe.

Kim in Oregon said...

Thanks for your message Twinnie. Having bad side effects after vax #2, and family issues w/ elderly mother and my sister in law's sister being in a horrific car accident. Plus Students. Just tired and wrung out.

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...