Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Morning, Chronicled

I posted this photo on Instagram already, but the flowers are too pretty not to share again:

This is the first feather I've found in a while.  It looks like the poor avian soul it once belonged to had a rough go.  Even the shaft is split.

Does anyone else see a sleeping walrus in this rock?  Or maybe Opus?

Then come home, get some Brussels sprouts ready for roasting while listening to your son's podcast.




Lora said...

I totally see the walrus! I see faces/animals everywhere. There’s been talk of having our community mailbox repainted and, while I agree it needs to be done, painting it will get rid of the long haired woman on the side of it.

kathy b said...

I see it too! Im proud your son has a podcast!

Kim in Oregon said...

Seeing the knife worries me. Don't cut yourself!

Meredith said...

i do see a sleeping walrus, so fun! Stay safe.

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