Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Where You Are

Lately, I've been consumed by reading.  Maybe it was going to happen anyway, maybe it's because my choices in books lately have been very, very good.  For whatever reason, I'm being taught wonderful lessons.  Some pretty "academic," like why orchids are called "orchids,"* or that caterpillars turn into a kind of goo as they transform into butterflies.

Other things, phrases, bits of knowledge have had me jotting down lots of notes.  I mentioned the other day that Michele Harper's book had given me the way to think about forgiveness that made me finally grasp the concept for myself.  After that, she pointed out that no one can treat another human being any better than they treat themself.  Profundity accepted.  Then, just now, as I finished the book, she gave me a new life motto.  It will join

"Even cowgirls get the blues"^
"Life is short, but it's wide."

It is
"First, it will be challenging, but then you'll be free."

*From the Greek orchis, meaning male genitalia, as that is what the flower's roots look like.

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