Thursday, July 23, 2020

If You Line Up Enough of These One-offs, It'll Look Like a Post

Over on Facebook, I asked people to tell us about local small businesses, hoping to help them out.  My dear, dear Jo linked to Judith & Lily, a yarn store.  I just placed an order;  you might want to check it out, too.

BTW, my contribution to Help Small Businesses is Avid --- Athens' fantastic independent bookshop.

My AC woes necessitated a service call Friday.  That service call led to the discovery of mice under the house, which led to another service call Monday.  Sheesh.

Both Athens hospitals are at capacity, as new COVID cases ave tripled in the last few days.  This without the thousands of UGA students not yet back in town.

Mereknits led me to the emPower People project.  If there's anything I have, it's purple yarn.

The book on genetics that I'm reading just let me know that the first person of European ancestry to be born in the Americas was a Viking named Snorri.  Snorri.  Those Vikings were inventive namers, and also scrupulous record keepers.  Else, Snorri would be unknown to us.


Kim in Oregon said...

Snorri sounds like The Forgotten Dwarf. And off to check out that yarn shop!

kathy b said...

Now you have me thinking of small businesses here: the big house with all the great yarns in Delavan. Maggie moos with their vegan ice cream and our coffee shop!

Meredith said...

Thank you so much for linking to emPower People. Take care and stay safe.


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Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...