Monday, December 2, 2019

Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Ohhh. . .

Got up this morning, raring to go on the advent shawl.  First instructions were:

Well, that's a lot of stitches, but, hey, you have to begin somewhere, right?  Let's open up that little tin and see what we've got.


Yep.  More than 200 stitches in thin-like-spider's-silk angora.  Casting on more than 200 stitches in angora that, if you don't allow enough for the full cast on, is BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE to unravel so you can start again.

Peace on earth, most wonderful time of the year, holly jolly-ness, may your days be merry.  Right?



Kim in Oregon said...

You got this Twinnie. I personally would close that tin and run away screaming but YOU ARE NOT ME well not really.

Bridget said...

Well, if you are gonna do it, I would cast on 10 stitches at a time, and then place a marker.

But you do you. Godspeed!

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.