Saturday, December 28, 2019


A quick look at the coffee table in front of me shows five knitting projects.  This is what happens when one has found lots of small bits of yarn and is trying to put them to good use.  I'm making gnomes, component parts for a chain link scarf, a mitered neckerchief, an odds and ends dishcloth and a shawl.  Lots of football to watch makes for ideal crafting time.


kathy b said...

Using up those ends, that's what Im trying to do with my tech mitts now. I just want to sit and knit and Fireman is antsy. Lets go out. Lets do something. no Lets not. YOU go to the gym tomorrow and it will take care of your need to DO!!! lol

kathy b said...

Agree! Fireman watches the Bowl games with great interest . This leaves me to knit and listen to podcasts next to him. With 4 cats vying for the best blanket spot near me.

Kim in Oregon said...

Happy New Year Twinnie. Here is the Pilot story: last 4th of July all he wanted to do was go in the garage--we tried putting him in the two places with no windows in the house but no, just the garage. So we went in the garage and were sitting with him as the fireworks went off. Then we went outside to watch them (great view from our house) and when we went back in he was basically curled up and quiet. So now whenever we have noisy weather or fireworks, we put him in the car and leave him there for the rest of the night. In the morning he is always fine and perky and ready to have a day!

So This Has Been My Day

 On my way to therapy, I fell down the front steps.  I'm not hurt, but I did spill my Dr Pepper, which upset me as much as anything.  It...