Tuesday, October 29, 2019

B-Cat and The Tapper

When I was in grad school, I contracted pneumonia.  Dale had already moved here while I finished out the school year in Tuscaloosa, so it was sort of just me and our cat Barrymore in sickbay.  Now, people say it isn't possible for humans to pass along illnesses to animals, but I saw him (Barrymore) get sick while I was recuperating.  We both recovered fully, so don't worry.

Since I've been sick this past week, Tap has been dutifully by my side, sometimes jumping up into my lap if I'm sitting or onto my side if I'm lying down.  As I inch toward feeling better, he's still there ---  still here --- and I'm beginning to wonder if it's because he's still playing caretaker, or because he's feeling bad himself.  Hey, it happened once before. . .


Kim in Oregon said...

I hope Tap is just keeping you company!

Bridget said...

I hope you feel better soon - both of you! I'm hoping Tap is just being a sympathetic boy.

kathy b said...

Oh gosh, hope he is just being a good nursemaid. Get better! My viral respiratory thing is nearly gone. I am still hoarse!!! And tired.

A Look

At the current state of cross-stitch here. This is one of those pieces that looks better from a distance.  For instance, I couldn't appr...