Tuesday, May 14, 2019

What's Doing

My dear Bridget did a very interesting and, frankly, brave thing on her blog.  She invited people to ask her questions --- any questions --- and she would answer them.  (Within decency and reason, naturally.)  I really like that idea, and might use it here when enough time has passed so that Bridget won't think of it as a blatant rip-off.

Yesterday was Tap's "birthday."  There's no record of when he was actually born, so it was a matter of counting backward from how old he was when I adopted him.  That put him being born in May.  Someday around the middle of the month seemed the safest bet.  Month May (5),  year '18, I decided the 13th because of the math:  5 + 13 = 18.

I'm knitting a little, reading a little, but mostly I'm working crossword puzzles.  I just have the fever.


Kim in Oregon said...

Tap is, of course, a Taurus, just like his Auntie Twinnie.

Bridget said...

Happy Birthday, Tap! Ask your mom to give you lots of kisses from me!

(P.S. Do a Q&A whenever you like - it's not like it was an original idea on my part, as I stole it from knitting podcasters ...)

kathy b said...

Happy Birthday adorable Tap. I love Q and A! Go ahead let us ask!

Going Out

 Grocery day again, mainly because the pets were out of treats. Big mistake, as today is UGA Graduation and, it appears, Move Out from Where...