Sunday, April 7, 2019


Just a little bit of yesterday's ill humor remains.  Tap has taken it upon himself to distract me with, shall we say, digestive tract issues.  There isn't much time to brood when cleaning up messes from both ends.

On a whim, I bought a grab bag from Darn Good Yarn a while back, and I dipped into it yesterday for something to just noodle around with.  I wound up with "Crimson Fire"
and cast on for a scarf.  This yarn has a definite aroma, and not of dye.  Perfume maybe?  That maybe the spinner was wearing when she was working?  It's like when an aunt gives you a hug at a family get-together, and you smell like her for the rest of the day.  

1 comment:

kathy b said...

Well, I love that yarn BUT i hate when my Uncle hugs us with too much strong aftershave..and then we smell like him

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.