Monday, June 4, 2018

New Friends

The baby wrens have hatched!  It was sometime between Noon and now --- I saw Mama still brooding at lunchtime.  I tried to take a video, but nothing's clear in it.  That little nest is surprisingly deep, and everyone in it is, of course, varying shades of brown.  I saw three open-wide mouths, but heard no chirps. I didn't want to look too long, as Mama was clearly out hunting for food. Here's a picture from the Web to give you an idea, and to tide you over until I'm --- hopefully --- able to provide my own.

I've got at least two other WebFriends with brand-new bird babies or eggs in nests right now.  Of course, none of the birds were thinking this when these nests were built, but it's as if they're choosing to share these moments with us.  I, for one, am grateful for that.


Bridget said...

I love seeing baby birds. (For the record, I love seeing adult birds too.)

kathy b said...

Me too!!! !WHEEEEEEEE . . Twins we are again

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.