Sunday, March 4, 2018

So. . .

. . . You know how socks sound like a good idea, and you're enjoying the small yarn and small needles, and then all of a sudden you are BORED?



kathy b said...

Oh I have so been there KIM!!!! Boring knitting can be soothing or really a drag. Just depends I guess.!! I'm happy I have some quiet knitting to do now, as we are expecting a storm tonight. Sigh. more snow. I can't complain though. We got a ton of tree work done on Friday and Yesterday and it is all burned up. Those few days of warmth are so refreshing . But I'm already looking forward to a good nap today after the barn.

Mission Statement said...

The best definition of how long a scarf should be is "until you have lost all will to live or the yarn runs out, whichever comes first." I am trying desperately to knit the current scarfy-thing until that second deadline, but it's hard.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.