Saturday, October 21, 2017

And I'll Say It Again

I've said before that knitters, as a group, are the most generous and thoughtful people I know.  They are always there to help out: if you doubt me, search "knitting charities" and see how they have answered so many calls.

Knitters also work one-on-one, sending friends goodies when the mood strikes them.  Proof:
Kathy sent this drawstring bag "just" because I "took a tumble."  I told her, and I'll tell you, there were more than a few tears fall when I saw it.  It's so pretty, and it has shades of purple, and I'm not sure exactly how it will be used, but how big-hearted can someone be?

Camille and her sons sent Colorforms!  She sent them hoping they'd speed my recovery along, and I am having fun with them today.  Saturday, hockey, football, Dr Pepper, Colorforms --- it's a good day.

I finally got a wrap / brace /compression thingy for my ribs, and it does make a difference comfort-wise.  I've been in a lot of pain this week for some reason, so I got it in the nick of time.  I decided not to try to go to the doctor;  there were X-rays at the ER, there isn't really much more he could tell me or do for me.  There's a significant part of me that wishes, just for the sake of a prescription for painkillers, I had gone.

If you read Kathy's blog, you know that her husband also has broken ribs.  A Fall trend, maybe? *

*"Fall" referring to the season, not the action.

1 comment:

kathy b said...

You are most welcome. What is the type of compression thing you got? Fireman was initially happy with the drug for sleep, but its making him itchy . I'd likehim to get the brace. Can you email me when you have time. Was it something we could get without a prescription at walgreens??

Look. . .

Someone (and you know who you are) said that my lion looks like a bear in a veterinary Elizabethan collar. And now I can't unseen it.