Friday, February 3, 2017

Yarn and Yarn and Yuck

Over in my etsy store, I'm selling cat ear hats --- in different colors and sizes --- for the charities of the buyers' choice.  I'm not calling them by their better-known name, so as not to tread on the originators' turf, but I have gotten requests for bright pink ones.  I've just cast on using this KnitPicks Mighty Stitch, and there are two things to tell you.  First, it is hot pink, but quite pretty.  Second, it has such a great feel to it.  It's soft moving through the fingers, and just a joy to use.  This color is "Pucker."

Before the hat madness, I had finished my long arm warmers,
and even had enough yarn left for a pair of socks!  At least I hope there's enough;  that's my working premise.

My sinus infection/strep throat finally wore itself out.  That was a hard couple of weeks.  In the middle of it all, my septic tank backed up into the house.  Whee.  Looking at the big picture though;  I've lived in this house for 30 years, and the tank had never given me a speck of trouble.  So there is that.

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Heh. My parents' septic tank backed up into the house on the morning of my wedding. My dad and my husband-to-be-at-the-time-now-my-real-husband didn't tell my mom; she was already a basket case and that would have sent her screaming into a straight jacket.

Thrills are Sometimes Small

 Y'aaaall.  I got some Christmas crafting paper today and  my nails are nice and long. It's a nice day.