Sunday, December 4, 2016


There is a huge hole in my childhood education, I have learned.  The Tale of The Christmas Pickle seems to have made all the rounds except the one passing Hewlett Drive in Nashville in the 1960's.
What can you do?

The mitts from the last post were made from the pattern right here.  They knit up quick as you like, and the design is one of those that looks much more intricate than it actually is.

I've been working on Christmas cards this weekend;  I'm about halfway through my address list.  I wish every year that I had a photo of Hannah, Briton and myself to include, but getting the three of us together is a little hairy.  I thought about having one taken on Thanksgiving, but Hannah's boyfriend would have taken it, and I thought that would make him feel much too left out.  Anyway, if you get a card from me, just remember that we're super cute.


kathy b said...

The mitts are really really cute. ah the Holiday card canundrum. Al and Nathan have been together 4 years. I declared today that when you hit the 5 year make you are IN the family photo.

kmkat said...

The Christmas pickle thing bypassed my childhood in MN, too. And I never, ever had any doubt that you and your kids are tots cute.