Saturday, March 26, 2016


Another finish for Harry's Hundred:

Another reason to love baby giraffes:

Another proof that there was once a real Hollywood:

Another reason to love your puppy:

Another project on the needles:

Another Blankapalooza color prompt tomorrow!


kathy b said...

What a pretty post. Love the fingerless.

Bridget said...

Oh thank you - so glad you are going to count the fingerless gloves in for Harry's Hundred! I love the colors and think they will make someone very happy. Sorry I didn't answer your e-mail, I couldn't get the picture to show up and was gonna ask The Tim to help me - but now I don't need to!

Lots of goodies in this post. :-)


I was so caught up in my Bogart adventure that I forgot to talk about the other Big Thing from yesterday.  The final trip to the oral surgeo...