Monday, June 30, 2014

Have I Already Talked About This?

Daughter is moving back into town.  She has had a devil of a time finding anything, but called a little while ago to say that she and her two roommates will be coming in tomorrow to sign a lease on a house.  Hopefully, everyone will be able to get together and have a celebratory meal.

Finally got the upstairs air conditioning fixed this morning.  Yep, the service calls were that backed-up.  I'm relieved, but am sure mine is nothing compared to Erin's and Riley's.

Spent some time yesterday looking at calendars and thinking about Knitters' Hunk/Chick dates.  May let you in on them tomorrow.  Today, I must end WordFest I.


Remember, words matter.

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Snow in the South

The sound of snow is one of my very favorites.  On the spectrum's other end is the sound of snow melting.  You know, the water running d...