Friday, September 6, 2013

I Don't Know About You. . .

. . .But I'm pretty good in a crisis/at crunch time.  It's when the crisis/crunch time has passed, and the adrenaline stops flowing, that I collapse.  Quickly and completely.

Witness this miserable head cold/sinus thing I've been suffering from all week.  Knitters' Hunk and Knitters' Chick come to an end, and, bam, I'm down for the count.  It has been a miserable five days --- not being able to breathe, taking enough medicine to dry everything up but my nose, just wanting to sleep.

This year's contest was quite wonderful.  Lots of new faces, lots of nominators and voters participating for the first time, great donated prizes.  The cold has kept me from sending the prizes to Camille and Kim, but I"m going to get them out as soon as possible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you all so much for another fun year.


Unknown said...

What a delightful dance! Cute!!

KSD said...

Thank goodness for clip art, Nancy!

kathy b said...

Awww Get well fast! i think it is important to take note of what gives us energy! Your Hunk contest always gives us some fun!!! Thanks again for a wonderful contest this year.


My long dental nightmare is over. Finally.  There's still healing to take place, but I can eat and brush and even floss right now.  You...