Tuesday, September 3, 2013

And Your 2013 Winners Are. . .

Isabella Rosellini
as Knitters' Chick

Ewan McGregor
as Knitters' Hunk

Both won by landslides:  Rossellini 81% to 19% over Jamie Lee Curtis, and McGregor 88% to 12% over defending champion Liam Neeson.

Camille Wahl nominated both Isabella and Ewan, and so will win a combination of the Hunk and Chick prize packages.  Kim Sheehan nominated Jamie Lee, and will receive a very nice runner-up prize.  Hooray for them both!!

Again, thanks for playing along.  Let's meet again next August and do it all over, want to?


Lorette said...

Yay! Those are two fine faces to have front and center for the coming year. I just wish I'd thought of nominating Rosselini. What a classic!

Bridget said...

Well, I voted for the winners, so that makes me happy!

Did you know I was once kissed by Ewan McGregor? (so what if it was a three-year old Scottish boy in a stroller, it still counts, right?)

kathy b said...

IT has been a very very fun run this year Kim. Great organization and great fun for your readers

teabird said...

Excellent choices, excellent results - thank you, Kim!

Vicki Knitorious said...

Woohoo! So much fun. Thank you!!

Carrie K said...

Well. Not a bad showing!


My long dental nightmare is over. Finally.  There's still healing to take place, but I can eat and brush and even floss right now.  You...