Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Upon completing Until Tuesday this morning, I am now exactly halfway through my Authors' Alphabet. The book was touching and funny, as expected, but also rankling, as the author described the treatment of troops by the Bush White House both during and after their deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.  

My next book may be a sort of cheat, as there are two authors.  But, the lead writer's last name begins with "N," so I'm forging ahead with Abraham Lincoln: The Observations of John Nicolay and John Hay.

Knitting continues apace.  The third Wingspan was much, much shorter than I wanted, and anticipated:
It is also decidedly none of the colors shown in this photo, save the gold.  It is a deep, rich plum and a velvety maroon and an emerald green.  So much for natural light. . . 

Also made this top-down shrug out of some pale pink tweed worsted:
Too small for me, I'm afraid.  Suppose it will go up on etsy.

Still awfully, awfully hot here, though a break is supposed to come perhaps as early as tomorrow.  Our air conditioner has been running non-stop these past couple of weeks, and any days I've had to be outside longer than what it takes to walk the dogs out, I've come down with brutal heat-induced headaches.  Ugly all around.

Hannah and I are going to have Super Girly Time tomorrow, as I have booked facials and massages for us both.  It's something we've talked about doing forever.  With both of us stuck in the house, looking unsuccessfully for employment, now seemed as good a chance as any to give ourselves a treat.

Hope you're treating yourself well.  You deserve it, you know.


kathy b said...

My Cardi is too small too, I feel your pain

Our heat finally broke and it is heavenly to be in the 80s again

Enjoy the spa treatment!!!!!!!! Every second of it, worth it!

Anonymous said...

The Author's Alphabet: That sounds so cool! Do you have any rules that you play by? I've been dreadful about reading lately, but I'm hoping that after the Olympics are over I'll find some drive and motivation to start reading more! My problem is that I normally start "reading projects" which I then find hard to finish (the Jane Austen collection, for example: I got stuck in Sense and Sensibility and never recovered!)

You're in Time Out

The cross-stitch piece I showed you Tuesday was to have ended up like this: However, it is now in a steep and indeterminate time out.  I los...