Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Two Weeks!

At least that's what my Advent Calendars say.  Remember when "two weeks 'til Christmas" was an eternity?

I came across some spare worsted the other day and decided to make a cowl.  Sideways.

I like it.  There will be more.

For Day Eleven's mini

a cute star!  With a saucy little sprig of holly tucked behind its ear.

Plucky Knitter has sent teas and candy and stitch markers and a wonderful little tealight

and these snazzy scissors:
Nice already, yes?  But look, there's more
How ingenious is that?  I'm sort of looking for things to snip, so I can take the cover on and off.


Araignee said...

That's a really pretty cowl! It will certainly brighten up a dreary winter day.

Delighted Hands said...

Nice job on the knitting! The little star stitching looks great!

'Tis the Season

 For TNT and stitching trees. (Sorry for the hoop marks.)