Sunday, December 15, 2024

Limits Versus Empathy

Each time I post about my mental  health, I invariably receive (public and private) messages of support and understanding and identification. 

Thank you.

The phrase "You Are Not Alone" has become rather stale, but it is generally true.  There are certainly people who have no one to reach out to, or no way to get to them even if they did.  There are people who will NOT reach out.  (Lots of reasons;  another post.)  You should reach out if it is at all possible.  There are hotlines (I've visited a few.)  Try.  You've got to try.  And keep trying.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

You are always in my thoughts Twinnie!

Limits Versus Empathy

Each time I post about my mental  health, I invariably receive (public and private) messages of support and understanding and identification...