Slow Train

That's what I feel like today.  Moving, but only enough to be discernable.

Not much sleep was had last night, as the implant made sleeping on my right side extremely uncomfortable.  Today, I'm still sore, and the teeth on either side of the gap are still a little numb.  That doesn't bother me, as it means that I didn't feel the roof shot yesterday.  There's still enough swelling and pain that I couldn't wear my bite plate overnight, nor my Essix today.  My therapist got full view of the gap during my session today.  And heard the whistle that comes with it.

"Whistle," "train" --- the theme is holding.

A few more cross-stitch pieces framed:

The fit here is a bit tight, but the color was too good a match to pass up.

I had a couple of pieces that would have worked in this frame, but went with the Christmas:

Another color match:
I still like my Winter rabbit very much.

Pretty, but unframed, my girls:
 So many days lately have been too hot for them to spend much time on the back porch, but they've been out there today. The pillow is curved in just right for either of them.


Araignee said…
I am in love with that reindeer piece! What a fun project. I'm sorry to hear of your discomfort. Sending you positive vibes for a speedy recovery.
Kim in Oregon said…
I love the rabbit and the reindeer! How cute! Feel better, take tylenol?
Delighted Hands said…
Beautiful stitched pieces!!! I'm sorry about the post surgery pain! Your girls are gorgeous!!! I love to sit there with them!

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